
How to create a TEAM summary

  1. Click “Teams” in your right side account dropdown list
  2. Click on the “CREATE A TEAM” button
  3. Select your Favorite game title(s). This just lets Rival know what your teams likes to play.
  4. Enter your Team’s Name and Bio. Have some clean fun with it!    
  5. Search and select your friends gamertags to send them Rival invitations to join the Team
  6. The Team you created will now appear in your "My Teams" menu tab.
  7. All players must accept the invitation in their Rival notification Center (bell icon) to join team.

Note: You are the Team Manager for any Teams you create, allowing only you to remove or add players to the Team’s roster.


How to create a TEAM – Screen Details

1. Click on “Teams” menu item in your right side drop down menu.  Then click on “CREATE TEAM”



2. Select one or more of your team's favorite game titles.  This will help Rival notify you of future tournaments. 


3. Enter your Team’s Name and Team bio to let people know about you. All of these items can be edited later by the team Manager.  Search for and select your friends’ gamertags to join your Team. Click “SEND INVITES” to finish and automatically send each gamertag you selected an invitation notification to join your team.  You can always invite more later if needed from the MANAGE team page.

4. After you have Created your team and have sent out invitations to your teammates, the next step is for your friends to accept. They can find the invitation in their Rival notification center (bell icon on top right of Rival screen).  As soon as a player accepts the invitation, they are eligible. Players can be a member of as many teams as they desire.  However, a player can only be on one team in any single tournament.  




8. TEAM PAGE – Team Roster.  The Team Manager (player that created the team) can click on the “MANAGE” button to send out more invites, remove existing team members, accept request to join the team, and more. 



If a Rival player attempts to register for a TEAMs tournament and is not a member of a Team, they must create a Team or become a member of an existing Team to register to play.



Note: All Team members must join the Rival community that is putting on the tournament. If they have not, there will be a "must join this community" message displayed next to their gamertag when you joining.