How to register for a TEAM’s Tournament - Summary

  1. Click on the Tournament you want to join.
  2. Click on the “REGISTER” button
  3. Select from your available teams in the pop-up screen, click “NEXT”
  4. Select the players from your team's roster that will play with you in the Tournament. Note: a player must have joined the tournament's community, or the message "must join this community" will appear.  Tell the player to ADD COMMUNITY in their Rival Passport
  5. Click “JOIN TOURNAMENT” to finish. 
  6. Your team will appear in the "TEAMS" tab on the tournament page, where the captain can manage your team's roster or unregister.


Note:  A player is the TEAM Captain for any TEAM Tournament they join.  Only the Captain can “UNREGISTER” a TEAM from a TEAM Tournament.  The Team Captain is responsible for making sure all their teammates are available to play.  The Captain must check-in if required, stream their gameplay on Twitch, go to the tournament Game Page(s), enter the Final Score(s), etc.