Rival Platform Login -  IP Address Restrictions

Certain areas of the Rival platform require a user to originate from one of a preapproved IP address residing in a predefined list. IP restriction, VPNs, and two-factor authentication are core elements of Rival's  Advanced Security program.  

In their account profile, a user may enter either allowed individual IP addresses or a range of allowed IP addresses.  In order to log in, a user must be accessing the Rival Platform from one of their allowed IP addresses. Users attempting to log in from an IP address that does not match their predefined list will receive an "Invalid IP Address" error message.  The error message will also display the IP address that was denied and a method(s) for adding that IP address to their allowed predefined list.  There is a limited number of failed attempts allowed before the account is locked temporarily.    

The IP address is the last public routable address of the user. The address that we check is the origin of the TCP connection to our servers. If the User is using a VPN connection, we will check the public routable IP of the VPN and will not check any IP addresses that are behind that VPN. Similarly, if the user is using a proxy, we will check the public routable address of the proxy.

Users logging in via the iOS and Android apps will need to connect through a VPN prior to logging in through the mobile apps. The VPN IP addresses must exist on the IP allowed list.